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List of English-language books in our documentation center

Bridges. A Book of Hope and Inspiration for Families

De: Par : International Rett Syndrome Association International Rett SYndrome Association
Date de parution: 1992
Nombre de pages: 104
Cote: bio-1992.03
Catégorie(s): Biographie/Essai, English Books

Résumé : Diverses accounts on Rett Syndrome

Disability and The Family. A Guide to Decisions for Adulthood

De: Rutherford Turnbull III, Turnbull, Bronicki, Summers, Roeder-Gordon
Date de parution: 1992
Nombre de pages: 417
Cote: FAM-1992.01
Catégorie(s): English Books, Famille

Help for parents to create a plan for the adult life of their autistic child.

The Importance of Early Diagnosis in Autism

De: Autism Society Ontario
Date de parution: 1992
Nombre de pages: 16
Cote: DIAG-1992.01
Catégorie(s): Diagnostic, English Books

What is autism, early intervention, symptoms classified by group ages.

Helping The Child Who Doesn’t Fit In

De: Nowicki S. Jr., Duke M. P.
Date de parution: 1992
Nombre de pages: 178
Cote: COMM-1996.02
Catégorie(s): Communication, English Books

The book offers to parents, teachers and caretakers a guide to the puzzleof social rejection and its relationship to non-verbal language.

The Fragile x Child

De: Schopmeyer B. B., Lowe F.
Date de parution: 1992
Nombre de pages: 217
Cote: DIAG-1992.02
Catégorie(s): Diagnostic, English Books

What is the Fragile X syndrome? How do you approach intervention? How do you applied these techniques?

Autistic adults at bittersweet farms

De: Giddan, N. S., Giddan J. J.
Date de parution: 1991
Nombre de pages: 212
Cote: MIL-1991.01
Catégorie(s): English Books, Milieu de vie

A book on Bittersweet Farms, the Toledo Metropolitan Autistic Foundation from the University of Toledo.

Is This Your Child?

De: Rapp, Doris
Date de parution: 1991
Nombre de pages: 626
Cote: INT-1991.01
Catégorie(s): English Books, Intervention (traitement)

Discovering and treating unrecognized allergies in children and adults. This book shows parents how to identify the common foods, chemicals, or comon allergic substance that could be the culprits that cause some children or adults to feel unwell or act inappropriately

Understanding Rett Syndrome

De: Lindberg, Barbro
Date de parution: 1991
Nombre de pages: 171
Cote: AUT-1991.04
Catégorie(s): Autisme, English Books

Survol sur le syndrome de Rett.

Music Therapy for The Autistic Children

De: Alwin J., Warwick A.
Date de parution: 1991
Nombre de pages: 152
Cote: INT-1991.03
Catégorie(s): English Books, Intervention (traitement)

Written by a music therapist and one of her student. It described how mothers can be involved with their autistic children in the therapeutic process.

Autism And Asperger Syndrome

De: Frith, Uta
Date de parution: 1991
Nombre de pages: 247
Cote: AUT-1991.05
Catégorie(s): Autisme, English Books

Is highly commended for researchers, therapists and clinicians, but for parents and teachers, for everyone concerned with understanding autism, and seeing its clinical and its human dimension too.